Monday, February 21, 2011

Interesting find featured on both LovelyPackage and TheDieLine

I stumbled across this beautiful work and was in awe - I'm a massive fan of purely type based designs, and die cut tags make me swoon. Was equally impressed when I started reading about the design. Both the cardboard and the twine used to tie it to the vegetables are 100% biodegradable so when discarded they create no waste, so don't adversely impact the environment.  As I read on I discovered  that the designer had taken it to another eco-friendly level and created a product that goes on step further than just being recyclable and gives something back to the earth - the paper has seeds embedded in the paper so it has a further use once no longer needed as packaging. 

So that's all well and good - great even, until just before I was about to move on, a couple of comments on the bottom of the post caught my eye, and brought up an issue I would have completely overlooked due to the intoxicating beauty of the typography. A large amount of energy would be 'wasted' in the production of these tags, more specifically in laser cutting the tags. Some argued that this 'cancelled out' the sustainability of the design. Which to me seems a little harsh, as it does use completely recyclable paper, but it did make me think about the production side of sustainable design, something that I'll now consider when creating my Sustenance packaging design. Very interesting!  

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